Wednesday, August 23 |
On the Verge? |
Since a visiting gospel preacher gave his synopsis of my spiritual family in sweet home ALabama. Many Loved Ones have made comments about wanting to be OFF the verge, instead of ON the verge. I can only agree whole-heartedly to those sentiments. But, even the phrase OFF-THE-VERGE bothers me because it also indicates 'lukewarmness.' Such a character trait is condemned by the LORD - the Laodiceans would be spit from HIS mouth for such a flaw! HE removed their candlestick from among those who 'were on/off the verge' communing with them no more! My Momma used to put it another way - said I was 'riding the fence' when I didn't commit and actively pursue a notion or thought to fruition. I always thought that I had a 50-50 percent chance of making the WRONG choice! What I failed to realize was that spreading the GOOD NEWS was NOT my choice. It was my personal GOD-given mission. So the only WRONG choice I could make was to 'ride the fence' and continue to be 'on/off the verge.' SO my point in all this rhetoric is best summed up by Garth Brooks' phrase, "Life is not tried; it's just merely survived if you're standing outside the fire." I guess it's time for me to j ump right in - and take a few of you with me!Labels: Pearls |
posted by Marsha @ 8/23/2006 10:35:00 PM |
Tuesday, August 22 |
Carpe Diem? |
Taking Advantage of the Moment - Today I volunteered to pick up my granddaughter Madison from Mommy's work place as Mommy was running terribly late! We drove through the window at McD's to get a really quick breakfast. And that's when it occurred to me to take Madison for a morning breakfast at the park. She was really really surprised and excited. And what she couldn't eat was not wasted but fed to the ducks and turtles in the pond. And the moment was just right, special, to teach about GOD's great promises and blessings! How blessed I have been today for Mommy's tardiness - I MUST remember to thank her this afternoon (and beg her to be late more often!)Labels: grandchildren |
posted by Marsha @ 8/22/2006 03:24:00 PM |
Monday, August 21 |
As a Vapor |
As a vapor - that's our physical life compared to eternity. GOD said so. Today I celebrate the 'loss' of the physical life of Uncle Howard. He's gone to be with GOD; he was a child of THE KING of kings and LORD of lords! He leaves behind to mourn his passing into the eternity a wife, Josie; a married son, Bobby (Goody); a daughter, Patty (Freddy); and a grandchild. At his crossing over, Jo and his sister, Betty, were by his side. How wonderfully hopeful it is to 'die in the LORD!' Howard, you will be missed by your nephew, my hubby and me - you made a HUGE impression on my life by your faithfulness and commitment to your wife (Luxembourg native) and more importantly by your return to your first love, THE LORD! Semper Fidelis, M - your niece by marriage and sister in CHRISTLabels: Pearls |
posted by Marsha @ 8/21/2006 10:52:00 PM |
Food for Thought |
I am insignificant when compared to my LORD, but not insignificant TO my LORD...
Labels: Pearls |
posted by Marsha @ 8/21/2006 12:11:00 AM |
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